It all ends and begins with food

So with our menus in hand and excitement in our hearts we shopped, cooked and prepped our food. We kept it simple for our first week. Nothing crazy, just simple clean food. We oven roasted red potatoes, bacon and green beans in coconut oil, hard boiled eggs, baked chicken and carrot sticks. Once it was all prepped and loaded in the fridge something hit me.. With no unhealthy options in the fridge, I now had no excuses…no reasons to cheat. The only person I could hold accountable now for my failure was me!!!

Then came the first day Danielle and I were in the gym. We started on a Wednesday (this will be relevant in a moment) I had a feeling things were going to be rough when she looked at me with a big grin and said…..

“Ready for leg day?”

I was not!!! Squats, kick backs, good mornings and calf raises put me in the mood to practically crawl out of the gym. We talked out in the parking lot for a few minutes about fears and goals. These talks would soon become more like therapy for me.

The next five days were a combination of forcing myself to eat all my meals and unbelievable, unyielding pain. Stairs, driving, and toilets were now my worst enemy. The following Tuesday scared the hell out of me because while I laid in bed I knew what tomorrow was…..leg day.

After a week of clean eating and hitting the gym like I never have before, Danielle and I had another talk. We touched on a few nutritional things. Then we spoke about how prepping worked for me, how taking the options away allowed me to make better choices. Driving home I broke down because for the first time I was able to say not only to myself but also to my coach…..

I AM a food addict. I AM a slave to laziness and bad decisions. Food to me was poison and I had had enough. 

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