A torch must be lit!

oh where to begin, how does someone approach a subject that has been the cause of so many debates? I guess an easy way would be to get me fired up about it! 

There is an amazing new outlook that will very soon change the fitness world forever! The Body Positive Fitness Alliance believes with all of their hearts and souls that fitness isn’t just for the elite, it’s for all of us! It believes in a judgement free place where the elite will train next to someone on the first day of there fitness journey! A very real place where we can learn to love the skin we’re in and make healthy choices to guide us to be the best versions of ourselves!  There is  https://www.facebook.com/bodypositivefitnessalliance and http://www.bodypositivefitness.org/

So heres my point and yes for some of the men out there this may sting a bit…. We’re not perfect, and that’s ok! STOP comparing yourself to the guy next to you at the gym because guess what he doesn’t care about you! If you constantly try to be someone else you will never find happiness in your own skin! Stop worrying about the things you HAVE and focus on the things you ARE. For example.

I am strong!

I am loyal!

I am focused!

I am funny!


I have an unhealthy addiction with the behavior of eating.

I have poor self-esteem.

I have Difficulty not taking work home.

The “I have” list should not define your life. So what ARE you? 

Now, I know that some of you are already fully aware of these truths and to those few I thank you. Unfortunately this blog is not for you. this blog is for the guys that are uncomfortable going to a gym full of muscle heads, for the guys who think that fitness is a goal they will never achieve, for the guys that think so little of themselves, for the guys that think the journey is just to big. 

I know who you are.

 I see you in line In front of me buying two drinks so the cashier won’t think all the food is just for you. I see you circling the parking lot at the store three times till a spot opens up close to the door. I see the look on your face when you order your clothes online because no store carries your size. I hear your heart break when you hear the voice of a child in the grocery store say ” wow, look at that fat man”! Trust me, I know .

I know this kind of hurt is real! I know that people can be cruel and that society isn’t much better!  

Just remember you are more than just what people see on the outside. Your shell is changeable. And don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Most men feel they need a man as a coach, not this guy! Danielle, my coach pushes me everyday. And a plus she does it with out puffing up her chest and flexing in the mirror.


My shell does not define me, one day my shell will be where it’s supposed to be. in the gym I work hard! For me fitness has become my happiness, I learn as much as I can and love you work out with others. 

Someone needs to light a torch for men to join our community, so I’m putting in my application!

Follow me.. join me.. Lift with me.. Sweat with me.. Share with me.. Grow with me.. Grow stronger with me.. We will change for the better together!