My life starting at 698 lbs

For months my wife had told me about a friend of hers she has known for many years who had become a Life Coach. For a long time I had many “man, I really need to get healthy” moments followed by extremely quick and what I thought were rational excuses. Needless to say my way was not working, I needed help and I needed it quick. 

In September of 2014 my list of health issues were rapidly getting out of control. My downward spiral had only one inevidible outcome, Death. 

My life at this point was stagnant. To the world I was a fat nuisance put here for you to point and laugh at. A freak you use to teach your kids to “eat your vegetables or you will look like him”. To my family a very loving, but, extremely lazy father and husband. Going to the park was a chore. Not to mention, I had to know where we were going because I didn’t fit in a lot of chairs in public places. All of these things broke my heart every day. So, one quiet night at home, I mustered the courage and reached out.

October 20th 2014 my life changed forever! With my loving wife by my side we drove to Vena’s Secrets. A place I would come to love, but, for now a terrifying place! When we arrived, I sat in the truck as if it was judgement day and my name had been called, this was it…..Danielle was standing in the doorway. She was wearing yoga pants, a tank top, a pony tail and at 140lbs, she was more intimidating to me than wrestling a grizzly bear!!! My wife and Danielle talked for bit, catching up with each other. I sat and listened to them anxiously waiting. Then she turned to me and said here’s what we are going to do…..

“Eat MORE food!?! Are you nuts? You know I’m here to lose weight right ?” 

“I have a plan” she says. She then talked about things like low glycemic index, clean foods, meal prepping, all things that were foreign to me. We then settled on meeting at the gym three days a week to train, sweat and work my ASS OFF!!! I left feeling uneasy as to how this could possibly work, but, I trusted Danielle. I was not sure why…..yet.

2 thoughts on “My life starting at 698 lbs

  1. I am so very proud of you for making this extremely hard & terrifying choice to become healthy again. I am definitly always rooting for you my friend and will be watching you journey every step of the way…& am also here for whatever you may need!! GO YOU!!!!

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