The 15 days won’t ruin your hard work….right?

So we move forward another month.  I’m back at Vena’s secrets for another measure day and the results continue to pour in.  Another 5 and a 1/2 inches gone!!! But this time something strange also happens…I’ve gained an inch on my biceps! It’s working!!! Growing lean muscle, my body was feeling stronger and stronger everyday


This chant runs through my head nearly all day long. Except for when it changes to


Though I’d be lying if I said my cheating brain didn’t throw in a few CUPCAKES ARE GOOD every now and then, lol. 

Now, having said all that, in the darkest corner of my mind was a teeny tiny part of me that was scared to death for the next two weeks. Thanksgiving was right around the corner and we all know what that means…lots of food. Salty, starchy, sweet and scrumptious food. Food so good your soul smiles. So incredibly  delicious, your body is forced into the most perfect nap. 

“My God, I’m going to gain it all back!”

Petrified of what she was going to say, I asked Danielle after one of our workouts if this was going to be an issue.


Was all she said with a big smile on her face. She went on to talk about how one day, one week, even 15 days of not perfect eating is not going to erase months of clean eating. Wait, let me back up a bit.


I eat carbs, I eat fats, I eat natural sugar. I just do it differently than I was taught in the past. You see, my way wasn’t working. My way got me to 698lbs. So I was ready and willing to try someone else’s way of clean eating five times a day and real excersize.

The day finally came and my family had food, glorious food. I piled my plate high with turkey, stuffing, rolls, cranberry sauce and gravy. I know what your thinking “no pumpkin pie Scott?” Oh, you know I did! The meal was delicious, and I was off to work.  

Work was going well for about an hour, then it happened. Pain. Unbelievable pain my stomach felt like I was being sliced open. A pain I don’t wish on anyone. Accompanied by the pain was bloating. I suffered through my shift. I went home and tried to sleep it off. Nope, no chance, that didn’t work. The second day was even worse. For the first time I had to call Danielle and cancel the workout for that day. I felt like I was letting her down. She worked so hard with me. I owed her to much. Dr. Nguyen it is. I emailed my Doctor and set up a phone call. We talked about the pain and the bloating. Then he asked what I’ve changed in the last couple months. 

“Have you got more that a few minutes Dr.?”

He was blown away at my results so far. Then he hit me with something I wasn’t ready for…Gluten poisoning. My body had decided after months of clean eating that it no longer had use for gluten and treated it like an allergen, a poison. Imagine that, the things I had stuffed down my Dorito chute for years had never been good for me! So let me end with this…

Listen to your body. 

When it needs rest, rest. When it’s hungry, feed it. When it wants to work, push it. And most importantly YOU ARE WORTH IT!

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